A well designed: spring 2023
Springtime. In the South, she's floral scents and a cool mossy carpet, budded secrets and the garden butterfly's return. The too cool for school attitude of throwing open windows pretending you're not as cold as you are - because when Spring comes, you let her in! Light a candle, clean out a cabinet, grab a warm mug and go wiggle your toes on the cool morning grass. A simple collection of goods to help you on your way. Rosey hues to encourage both budding blooms and the promise of Summer time, floral garments to drape yourself in the reawakening of the Created world around, garden tools made with heirloom quality, candle scents to further amplify those happening outdoors, and a hunted treasure to add a bit of refresh to the home base.
And for me and mine, Spring brings implications of faith refreshed and remembered. For the follower of the ways of Jesus, the obvious triumph of the cross and following ascension. A personal moment of public faith. And in tandem, for me, the secret lessons of sanctification from the garden begin to awaken again. I am a nature girl to the marrow, and the voice of God comes clearly to me in the visuals of Spring. Pruning my hydrangeas the other day, the same lesson somehow new every year - weeding is necessary, but perhaps more so, is the cutting away of past beauty to allow the right environment for the revelation in new growth. Glory to glory requires some middle ground that looks nothing like the former nor the future. What spaces of my life have fully bloomed, and in their fullness of beauty, need to be completely removed? Career choices, parenting styles, rhythms in my marriage. Spring allows me, and you, an environment that is conducive to assessing it all in a spectacular landscape of flora and fauna. The brief lockstep of the renewal of self in sanctification with the renewal of the created world we inhabit. It's raw and wonderful. Spotted fawns, tiny bird eggs, and the garden's first offerings of asparagus and wild peas. What could it look like in us?
reading: Essentialism
eating: Sirloin Steaks & Caesar Salad
listening to: “HELP!” album, the Beatles
Garden Heir / My Theresa
select image via pinterest